0 m

P-63 Submarine

Our P-63 submarine, measuring 5.5 m long and weighing 6.5 t, was built in 1987 in one of the largest shipyards on Lake Constance for a diving depth of up to 300 m, and it was certified by Germanischer Lloyd. It was originally used to carry out underwater work and inspections in various lakes and reservoirs. During a complete overhaul in 2020/21, the submarine was equipped with state-of-the-art systems and is now available for public dives of up to 100 m. It has capacity for up to four people. The P-63 is the only submarine licensed for commercial use in Swiss lakes. We’re proud of that.


U-Boot P-63



Energy supply in kW/h
Max. diving depth in metres
Air supply in hours

Motors & equipment

The submarine is powered by four environmentally-friendly electric motors. Each motor is controlled individually and supplied with energy via its own electrical circuit.

The navigation system guides us to our destination. Thanks to our positioning system, both we in the submarine and our team on the escort boat know exactly where we are at all times. We also have a voice link to the submarine via our hydrophones. Using a voltage funnel, we can detect cables and pipes beneath metres-thick layers of sediment and determine whether they have sustained any insulation damage. When searching for wrecks and carrying out surveys of the lake bed, we have a variety of instruments at our disposal depending on the task at hand – some are also used in combination. For example, we use front- and side-scan and radar to search for objects, while sonar is a reliable tool for measuring distances to objects, as well as depths. With our gripper, we can clamp onto an object with a force of 2 t, after which it can be recovered.


Lake Lucerne is a prime location for dives thanks to its wide range of amazing sights, such as wrecks and an underwater world, as well as its excellent topography and visibility.

We are always adding exciting new wrecks to our route. Occasionally, we also run special dives in other lakes in Switzerland, expanding the range of Subspirit experiences on offer. The submarine is also used to carry out technical work in reservoirs.


With all its instruments, the P-63 is suitable for both commercial public dives and technical use. The submarine was originally used to check reservoir walls for cracks and damage, and to monitor reservoir drainage.

These are still some of the submarine’s main technical tasks. It is also used for locating and carrying out maintenance work on cables and pipes in lakes, many of which can no longer be found on maps. We can even determine whether and where cables have been damaged. Lake bed surveys, highly precise measurements, as well as videos and photographs are some other services provided by Subspirit. We can also carry out search and, thanks to our gripper, recovery operations for authorities.


You can find more technical information
on our fact sheet.


Fascinating technology and safety features …

Each safety-related system is backed up with multiple redundant systems. In addition to its motors, the P-63 submarine also has one physical and four mechanical ascent mechanisms:

Buoyancy mechanisms

In accordance with Archimedes’ physical law of buoyancy, the submarine returns to the surface on its own. Our mechanical ascent mechanisms include jettisoning the ballast weights, emptying the regulation tanks and blowing out the external tanks, as well as the option to launch a rescue buoy.

Power supply

The submarine has two independent electricity circuits. 12 volts for all instruments and 48 volts for the motors. Each motor is supplied with energy via its own electricity circuit.

Communications systems

Subspirit can contact the escort boat via a voice link, as well as through text communication. We can also use Morse signals to contact the outside world.

… and relax


Escort boat

The escort boat, waiting on the surface, can locate the submarine at any time via a positioning system. This ensures that the P-63 is monitored at all times.

Audible signal

At intervals of three minutes, the pilot is prompted to confirm receipt of an audible signal. If the pilot fails do so, the ascent process is automatically initiated.


When full, the submarine’s air supply lasts for four whole days. Submarine rescues can be carried out by specialist companies within 24 hours at any point on Earth.


The submarine is operated in accordance with stringent safety regulations. For example, we have to work through several checklists at different points, such as when boarding the submarine and before each dive. As part of the safety checks, we ensure that the redundant buoyancy systems and their valves, plus the communications systems, are working properly.

Maintenance and inspection

We carry out regular maintenance work and inspections in accordance with strict standards. The submarine also has to be sent to a workshop twice a year for major maintenance, during which all mechanical parts are checked and serviced.


Relax and enjoy your ride with us




Blueprint Subsea
Buholzer Batterien
Jeger Anlage- und Apparatebau
Linde Gas
Maxon Group
Sigrist AG

Subspirit – The Team

Every member of our Subspirit team is set apart by our professionalism, expertise and a love for what we do. Together with all the submarine’s safety components, we guarantee you a safe adventure.



Philippe Epelbaum

Philippe Epelbaum


Submarines are Philippe Epelbaum’s great passion in life. He has been an avid diver for nearly 40 years. His qualifications extend to technical diving – including with rebreathers and mixed gases.
He has dived numerous wrecks around the world.

Athena Meier

Athena Meier


A passionate scuba diver, Athena Meier feels right at home in the water. She supports the company in both organisational and advisory activities.

Paul Bründler

Paul Bründler

Qualified electrical engineer (El.-Ing.)
Technical Manager

The more challenging a technical job is, the happier Paul Bründler feels. In order to ensure that the systems are functioning properly, Paul prefers to take care of their maintenance and updates himself. He is also responsible for planning and executing technically complex and challenging jobs.

Hansjürg Caprez

Hansjürg Caprez

CPR & Dive Instructor

In dunklen Höhlen und grossen Tiefen fühlt sich Hansjürg im Element. Entsprechend seine Faszination für das U-Boot. Seine unzähligen Ausbildungen und Zertifizierungen machen den Tauchinstruktor zu einem erfahrenen Unterwasserspezialisten.

Beat Christen

Beat Christen

Safety Officer

Sicherheit ist ein zentrales Thema im Berufsleben von Beat. Mit seiner gelassenen Art behält er in jeder Situation die Ruhe und den Überblick. Sein organisatorisches Talent machen Ihn zu einem von allen geschätzten Teammitglied.

Ueli Frey

Ueli Frey

Technical Engineer

Mit seiner Jahrelangen Erfahrung in Technischen Bereichen sowie als erfahrener Taucher ist Ueli die treibende Kraft wenn es um Innovation geht.
Es gibt kaum ein Problem welches Ihn beeindruckt. Durch sein praktisches Denken behält er stets den Überblick und findet immer die richtige Lösung.

Guido Mathieu

Guido Mathieu

Backup Officer

Guido hat einen starken Bezug zur Natur. Lange Jahre erlebte er diesen als Pilot mit PPL Lizenz aus der Höhe. Gewohnt Verantwortung zu tragen ist er als Captain auf dem Oberflächenboot verantwortlich für die Kommunikation mit dem U-Boot und behält dieses über das Positionierungssystem jederzeit im Auge.

Beat Plüss

Beat Plüss

Radar Operator

Ob bei Nacht oder Nebel behält unser diplomierter Radarspezialist Beat das Ziel stets im Blick. Sein nautisches Know-how und sein Blick für das wesentliche machen Ihn zu einem wertvollen Mitglied unseres Spezialistenteams.


«We look forward to welcoming you on board soon,
and we promise you a very special and unique experience that you’ll never forget.»


Subspirit AG
Neuschwändistrasse 28
CH-6390 Engelberg

+41 79 402 24 04
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Subspirit Winds of Hope